The Vision
Oldhamstocks is a small East Lothian village of medieval, agricultural origin, nestled in a valley of the Lammermuir Hills. Dating from the 12th century, the name Oldhamstocks is also of considerable antiquity, being Anglo-Saxon in rood and meaning ‘place of old habitation or dwelling’.
The village is characterised by handsome vernacular buildings, many of which are listed, stone walls and hedgerows, which open out onto the south-facing village green; a uniquely beautiful gathering place for its inhabitants. The village hall and green have historically been at the heart of this rural community and those who live in Oldhamstocks consider them to be an extension of their home, holding it in great affection through its ability to offer a collective, social experience.
In 2020, CSY were commissioned by the Oldhamstocks Community Association to undertake an extensive feasibility study, which investigated the replacement of the existing village hall on its current site, located at the heart of the Oldhamstocks Conservation Area.