Home / Lions House
Lions House
LOCATION: Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
CLIENT: Private
CONTRACTOR: James Swinton & Co
The front elevation, faced in ashlar with rusticated quoins, faces East across the river’s open mouth and forms a tall and imposing landmark and a free-standing neighbour to the Gunpowder Magazine. The building has a particular significance to LS Lowry, the Edwardian artist, in that he is purported to have looked into buying this property during one of his many visits to Berwick.
In 2019, CSY were approached by a private client to restore the house, which they had recently purchased, which had fallen into disrepair despite the earlier intervention of the Berwick Preservation Trust in the 1970’s.
Internally, the building required extensive works which involved accurate replication of historic joinery details such as window shutters and panelling and careful preservation and repair of original, ornate plasterwork.
The proposed works required extensive discussion and negotiation with both Historic England and the local conservation officer, with whom CSY worked with closely throughout all phases of the project to ensure that the significance of the heritage asset was retained and enhanced through informed repair and deferential intervention.
Sensitively and tastefully decorated internally, the house benefits from the owners extensive private art collection and is now available to let as a holiday home by Crabtree & Crabtree.
98 High Street
Dalkeith, EH22 1HZ
0131 663 9735
108 St Clair Street
Kirkcaldy, KY1 2BD
01592 205761
1 Wilderhaugh
Galashiels, TD1 1QJ
01896 753077
9 West Street
Berwick, TD15 1AS
01289 541 173