Gordon’s widespread knowledge on all aspects of construction motivates him to be at the forefront of environmental and sustainable design, including Passive House. Recent projects include private house new-builds, bespoke house refurbs and a new hotel spa complex.
He prides himself on his knowledge of all forms of construction and Technical Building Standards. His thoroughness extends to his execution of production drawings and detail design, including working closely with the contractor to establish a good working relationship on-site and maintain the quality of the build as it progresses.
Gordon recently designed and self-built a contemporary 4-bedroom ‘Passive House’. His bespoke, meticulously detailed house reflects the consideration that Gordon places in quality and attention to detail in the design process. In all aspects of his work and life, Gordon strives to uphold his father’s mantra: ‘A job worth doing is worth doing well.’ In 2008, he exemplified this belief, building his first home.
102 High Street
Dalkeith, EH22 1HZ
0131 663 9735
108 St Clair Street
Kirkcaldy, KY1 2BD
01592 205761
1 Wilderhaugh
Galashiels, TD1 1QJ
01896 753077
9 West Street
Berwick, TD15 1AS
01289 541 173