Home / Applecross House
Applecross House
LOCATION: Scottish Borders
CLIENT: Private
All the prime living spaces of Applecross take advantage of the views with both inside and outside spaces. The house is contemporary at its heart but draws from the local vernacular style, and because of this the house sits both confidently and quietly in its context.
The centre of the house is a large family living, kitchen and dining area where all the family come together which in turn leads to the first floor living area.
In 2018 the house won the Borders Building Design Awards for ‘Best New Build Residential Property.’
102 High Street
Dalkeith, EH22 1HZ
0131 663 9735
108 St Clair Street
Kirkcaldy, KY1 2BD
01592 205761
1 Wilderhaugh
Galashiels, TD1 1QJ
01896 753077
9 West Street
Berwick, TD15 1AS
01289 541 173